I'm Hannah, a freelance creative copywriter from Cheltenham, UK – a job that has nothing to do with legal protection and everything to do with crafting compelling stories that sell (let’s nip that one in the bud early doors).
I’m a first class English graduate with a vast collection of odd jobs under my belt – from music reviewer and primary teacher to reporter for the British Science Association and comedy club social media officer.
This convoluted career path may not have been straight and narrow, but I walked it in the shoes of many a target audience. Ultimately it led me here, kitted out with the tools necessary to write super empathetic and informed copy.
In between gigs I started entering advertising competitions on a platform called Crowdiate and found I had a penchant for the sales pitch. Gradually my ideas started getting shortlisted by some big names (Hershey’s, Campbell’s and Dole to name drop a few) and one of my ads even made it onto TV in Canada. After that I started to take this whole copywriting malarkey a bit more seriously and the rest, as they say, is history.
When I’m not writing I can be found baking in my tiny kitchen, attending multiple dance classes and binge-watching Richard Curtis films.
If you’ve made it this far, I feel like a proper conversation is in order.
*I'm also perpetually unfaithful to any medium, so if it’s brand design you’re after, I do that too. Click here for my portfolio site.